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Adobe Photoshop 7 Portable

Adobe Photoshop has always been the application of choice for professional image editing. And with the new features and improvements that have been implemented in version 7, its appeal is now stronger than ever.

To describe Photoshop as merely an image editing application does not do this package justice, as it can do far more than that. For example it is almost equally at home helping you design and create entire Web pages and print adverts as it is at enhancing, re-touching or editing photographs and other digital images.

Indeed, its ability to produce almost complete Web pages, complete with all the java necessary to handle button rollovers and image swapping behaviours, makes Photoshop a tool not just for those working in more general media design and print houses, but also one that Web designers can use alongside their HTML editors.

Adobe Photoshop is undoubtedly a must-have application for anyone working with images, be they in print or on the Web, and the new features in version 7 simply underline this fact. The only real drawback to Photoshop is its price, which is a reflection of the fact that this product is aimed squarely at the professional end of the market, not at the home user who occasionally wants to dabble at image editing or Web site design.

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by andikwieb © 2008

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